XIX Festival de Folclore Internacional Alto Minho
Viana do Castelo - PORTUGAL
Programe 2015
31.08.2015 – Monday (no performances)
Afternoon: Reception and lodging of the foreign groups
01.09.2015 – Tuesday (two performances per group)
Morning: Performance in a Social Institution (Children or the elderly) – 30m
Afternoon: Sound and Stage Check – max 20m
Night: Opening Ceremony – at “Praça da República” – with the presence of all invited groups
02.09.2015 – Wednesday (two performances per group)
Morning: Performance in a Social Institution (Children or the elderly) – 30m
Afternoon: Gala for the Elderly at Teatro Mun. Sá de Miranda – 10/20m
Night: "Gala of the talents" at Praça da Repúbica
03.09.2015 – Thursday (two performances per group)
Morning: Performance in a Social Institution (Children or the elderly) – 30m
Night: Gala at “Quinta de Santoinho - Darque” - all the invited groups – 10/15 m
04.09. 2015 – Friday (one performance per group)
Morning: Portuguese traditional games
Free Afternoon:
Night: Performance in one of the district’s villages - Barroselas – 10/15 m
05.09.2015 – Saturday (two performances per group)
Morning: 11,30 - Teaching locals how to dance - 30 m - town square/street
12,00 - Reception at the City Council (gift exchange: 2)
12,30 – Photography
Free Afternoon
Night: Last Gala at “Praça da República” - all the invited groups – 10/15 m
06.09.2015 – Sunday (REST DAY: no performances)
Lunch with the host group – traditional food from your country
19H00 Final Party at Quinta do Santoinho
07.09.2015 - Monday
Departure after breakfast